What’s In My Beach Bag!

What you bring to the beach is very important. Most of the time, you spend almost your entire day at the beach and need to make sure you are prepared. I am personally not one of those girls who likes to bring their entire lives with them, mainly because I don’t like the idea of carrying everything to and from the car. So I put together a list of what I put in my beach bag that is easy and keeps me prepared for a long, fun day in the sun!


Bag | Towel | Brush on Block | Aloe Mist | Lip Balm | Celebrate | Speakers | Waterbottle | Selfie Stick

First, you’ll need a really great beach bag! I like to get a neutral colored one as it will go with all of my swimsuits, that is just a personal preference. It looks really clean and usually makes it easier to search through. Next you will definitely need a towel! I have been loving round towels lately, I just feel that it gives you more room around you as opposed you just the length of your body!

Now sunscreen is a given, that should be in your bag everyday! However there are little beauty products that I especially like to carry with me to the beach. The first one being Brush on Block, it is a face sunscreen that soaks up any oil and also gives you coverage for days when your skin isn’t at its best! The next is Supergoop lip balm, which is SPF for your lips! It isn’t sticky at all so you won’t have to worry about sand getting all over it and it protects your lips from burning/chapping! My last must have beauty item is an aloe hydrating mist, it helps to cool you down when there are no clouds in sight!

When laying on the beach all day, you need to keep yourself entertained! My go to is a book since my main reason for a beach trip is to relax! My favorite right now is Celebrate by Lauren Conrad. The images are beautiful and it has some really great tips for throwing different events! Next up is music, I can’t stay anywhere too long if it is silent. So, I always bring my small, portable speakers with me, it is great if you a small group but also won’t get too loud so you don’t bother anyone around you. Lastly, I always like to bring a selfie stick when I go with a bunch of girlfriends, it will keep you entertained for about an hour.

To keep myself hydrated throughout the day, I ALWAYS bring water. It’s usually the only thing I bring to drink since the sun is so draining. However, I only like to drink ice cold water, I can’t stand when it’s room temperature or hot. So if you’re like me, I suggest you get yourself a Swell Bottle. No joke, your water will be ice cold for 24 hours, it’s amazing! When it comes to a snack, I also try to keep it light. I almost always bring cut up watermelon, it’s filling & refreshing all at once. I also like to bring wheat thins for the same reason, they aren’t too salty so you won’t feel like you have a food baby afterwards!

Let me know of any items you have that are a must for a perfect beach day!


What’s In My Beach Bag!

It’s officially official, SUMMER TIME IS HERE! Since I live by the beach, I have my beach bag ready to go most days so I can head straight there after work! Thoughout all my years of summer days spent by the ocean, I have put together a pretty perfect collection to make sure it is hassle free!

Just so you know, I’m not one of those people who brings everything they own to the beach… I find that obnoxious and extremely exhausting. Seriously, I don’t want to carry that all out there, let alone carry it all back at the end of the day. So here is what I like to bring to make sure I have a fun and relaxing experience every time!

What's In My Beach Bag!